The Easiest And Most Rewarding House Plant Everyone Should Buy | Pothos Plant Care

When I’m asked “I’m a newbie, what plant should I start with?” I immediately think pothos! These are some of the most rewarding and easiest plants to grow and enjoy. Their care guide is pretty much black and white and they are super forgiving (and responsive) if you get off track. These air purifiers thrive in indirect bright light, but can also tolerate low, shaded light. They also come in a sorted variety that can fit any and everyone.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) are characterized by heart shaped foliage that trails up or down and variety of colors depending on the type. These jewels are native to the Soloman Islands/French Polynesia Islands and unfortunately it is toxic to ingest to humans and animals.


Pothos prefer to have their soil dry completely out between waterings so based on your home’s temperature and plant’s location, this can be weekly or biweekly. Be sure to check the soil about a finger deep before you water. An indication of overwatering is yellowing leaves and brown leaves and spots indicate underwatering.


Pothos do well in simple potting soil. Nothing fancy at all.


Pothos thrive indoors in bright, filter light. Outdoors (which they do very well in, they need some shade from direct sunlight). Pothos with variegation can lose their color if they do not received enough light. Pale and dull leaves mean they plant is getting too much sun and it may also burn as well.



Neon Pothos

Once again, pothos don’t need heavy feeding so using simple houseplant fertilizer bi-monthly.

Propagation & Pruning

Pothos are prolific growers and will grow if you trim back a few pieces and place in water. Always trim below a node and use sharp pruners.

Jade Pothos


  • Marble Queen
  • Golden
  • Pearls N’ Jade
  • Satin
  • Manjula
  • Jade
  • Neon
  • Jessenia
  • Cebu
  • Silver



Jasmine is your everyday multidimensional plant lover and new mama who loves black women and plants so much, she created Black Girls With Gardens! There are 3 things you'll find Jasmine doing separately or simultaneously: 1. Planning for BGWG 2. Plant Shopping 3. Doing both with her baby girl! Go figure!


  1. Tamia Reply

    This is beautiful🌺

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